Lockdown – One British Tale – 20th Dec – Getting through…somehow

These last months have not been easy, not by a long shot. We’ve all had some form of unsettling change and experienced waves of emotion.

I hope that for those reading my advent posts, they have been a little light in the day where you get to dip into other’s experience and maybe even find some solace in it.

Today’s post is about the power of having someone to lean on, how much stronger we feel by having someone else there too – even if they are also down and need lifting.

Have a lovely Sunday.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com

“Happy Birthday to youuuuu, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Cassie, happy birthday to you!”

The three voices chimed the words with vague attempts at humour as they mimed washing their hands in tune to the words. Craig lent over the cake to plant a big kiss over the entirety of Cassie’s lips. Her eyes sunk into his as she tipped her gaze up at him and then beamed around at Echo and Joan. Her birthday bliss was so great that she glazed over Echo’s distant participation and Joan’s inability to act entirely comfortable in this odd ensemble.

Craig had arrived in the morning with a homemade cake, candles and a soppy bunch of sickly flowers. The fact that Echo had not baked the cake spoke louder volume than his absence in the last two days. The situation had been made light of, as soothing exclamations of excitement and wonder filled the bubble across the icing. Craig lapping up the praise once he had proudly flung the cardboard box open to display the festive goo underneath.The praise was mainly Cassie’s, who spoke and laughed louder than normal, desperately attempting to add substance to Echo and Joan’s spoken words of ‘wows’ over the cake and Craig’s presence.

The day had picked up after the initial entrance and by the time it came to singing for the birthday girl, Echo and Joan had met and decided to force a change of their attitudes. They knew that they needed this day of celebration as much as Cassie needed Craig to be around. They needed to remember how effortlessly they had enjoyed the forced unity and basked in the warmth of this unique shared experience.

It had been Joan who had slid into Echo’s room, laid a hand across his as its continuing internet scrolling ignored her entrance. In that moment they had both paused life and their shoulders had grown fuzzy with the long awaited sense of calm.

“We need to try Echo.”

“I know.”

“It is too hard to think too much, to feel all this alone.”

“I know.”

“I want to enjoy this time.”

There had been a moment of silence.

“Me too.”

“Let us try, try today for Cassie.”


“Me to forget Aron…”

“And me to forget Aron too?

“Yes and for you to forget…”


“Right, you to forget COVID.”

“It’s just so big, so all consuming.”

“I know.”

“I can’t escape it, it’s making me go crazy.”

“Not crazy Echo, you are doing so so well.”

Echo’s hand had slowly twisted around until its palm cradled Joan’s.

“Ok, let’s prepare for a party.”

Joan had squeezed his shoulders and breathed in a sigh of relief. It was much easier to decide to try to feel better when someone else was along for the ride.

Jointly they had decorated the living room and channeled their minds towards creating a feast of rationed hummus dips with miscellaneous party foods. There had been moments of hesitation from each of them throughout the arrangements. However, they would then simply remember the other’s warm hand pulling them through, and the moment would pass with one more decoration having being lifted. 

The moment Cassie had clapped her hands in appreciation, something within Joan and Echo also lifted; a light flutter lapping at their hearts. Cassie had enveloped the two in a hug of solace at feeling life from something other than herself, relieved that she no longer carried the burden of optimism alone. The overwhelming sense of being trapped had been released as quickly as it had started once she’d announced it was up to her to allow Craig into their lockdown home.

Have a lovely start to the week, and please share any feedback or recommendations below.

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